
R. Kelly - Love Letter a album....

Who knows if R. Kelly is feeling Trey Songz’ challenge to his throne, but either way the Pied Piper has emerged with new music to re-assert his place in the royal chambers of R&B. Title track and new single, Love Letter, brings simple, heartfelt lyrics and evocative harp strings to the table, cooked up by Kells himself, bursting with enough rich notes to serve as an early Thanksgiving feast. On the mic you never know what you’re going to get with Kelly. The same man who wrote the eminently shallow Feelin’ on Your Booty penned I Believe I Can Fly, but it doesn’t take long to realize that Love Letter is much more the latter. Lyrically, Kelly stays in the deep end of the pool, writing nothing but purely romantic sentiments befitting the title, while vocally he’s as smooth and grown man sexy as possible, turning out candlelit melody after melody. If you just can’t get enough, check out this song’s holiday remix, A Love Letter Christmas, out now, as well as Robert Sylvester’s upcoming album, Love Letter, arriving December 14, just in time for present buying season.

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